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Kenyan Shilling Rate - Exchange Kenyan Shillings

This is the Kenyan Shilling foreign exchange rate information page. Exchange rates are updated every minute of every day within FX trading hours. We have divided up the worldwide currencies into their global regions, and also provided a popular conversions tab for your convenience. Use the currency links to get full Kenyan Shilling intraday, Kenyan Shilling historical prices and live Kenyan Shilling charts for the currency pair you are interested in.

Australian Dollars to Kenyan Shillings AUD KES 1 Australian Dollar = 81.48 Kenyan Shilling Convert Australian Dollars to Kenyan Shillings
Pounds to Kenyan Shillings GBP KES 1 British Pound = 167.52261 Kenyan Shilling Convert Pounds to Kenyan Shillings
Euros to Kenyan Shillings EUR KES 1 Euro = 139.67866 Kenyan Shilling Convert Euros to Kenyan Shillings
New Zealand Dollars to Kenyan Shillings NZD KES 1 New Zealand Dollar = 74.1407 Kenyan Shilling Convert New Zealand Dollars to Kenyan Shillings
Dollars to Kenyan Shillings USD KES 1 Us Dollar = 129.5 Kenyan Shilling Convert Dollars to Kenyan Shillings
Kenyan Shillings to Australian Dollars KES AUD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01227 Australian Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Australian Dollars
Kenyan Shillings to Pounds KES GBP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00597 British Pound Convert Kenyan Shillings to Pounds
Kenyan Shillings to Canadian Dollars KES CAD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01103 Canadian Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Canadian Dollars
Kenyan Shillings to Yuan KES CNY 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.05604 Chinese Yuan Convert Kenyan Shillings to Yuan
Kenyan Shillings to Euros KES EUR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00716 Euro Convert Kenyan Shillings to Euros
Kenyan Shillings to Hong Kong Dollars KES HKD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.06005 Hong Kong Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Hong Kong Dollars
Kenyan Shillings to Rupees KES INR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.66097 Indian Rupee Convert Kenyan Shillings to Rupees
Kenyan Shillings to Yen KES JPY 1 Kenyan Shilling = 1.15984 Japanese Yen Convert Kenyan Shillings to Yen
Kenyan Shillings to New Zealand Dollars KES NZD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01349 New Zealand Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to New Zealand Dollars
Kenyan Shillings to South African Rands KES ZAR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.14115 South African Rand Convert Kenyan Shillings to South African Rands
Kenyan Shillings to Swiss Francs KES CHF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00682 Swiss Franc Convert Kenyan Shillings to Swiss Francs
Kenyan Shillings to Lira KES TRY 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.29355 Turkish Lira Convert Kenyan Shillings to Lira
Kenyan Shillings to Dirhams KES AED 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.02836 United Arab Emirates Dirham Convert Kenyan Shillings to Dirhams
Kenyan Shillings to Dollars KES USD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00772 Us Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Dollars
KES ALL 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.70482 Albanian Lek Convert Kenyan Shillings to Albanian Lek
KES GBP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00597 British Pound Convert Kenyan Shillings to Pounds
KES BGN 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.014 Bulgarian Lev Convert Kenyan Shillings to Bulgarian Lev
KES HRK 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.05395 Croatian Kuna Convert Kenyan Shillings to Croatian Kuna
KES CZK 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.17824 Czech Koruna Convert Kenyan Shillings to Czech Koruna
KES DKK 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.05341 Danish Krone Convert Kenyan Shillings to Danish Krone
KES EUR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00716 Euro Convert Kenyan Shillings to Euros
KES HUF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 2.85835 Hungarian Forint Convert Kenyan Shillings to Hungarian Forint
KES ISK 1 Kenyan Shilling = 1.03166 Icelandic Krona Convert Kenyan Shillings to Icelandic Krona
KES KZT 1 Kenyan Shilling = 3.88318 Kazakhstan Tenge Convert Kenyan Shillings to Kazakhstan Tenge
KES MKD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.44068 Macedonian Denar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Macedonian Denar
KES MDL 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.13859 Moldovan Leu Convert Kenyan Shillings to Moldovan Leu
KES NOK 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.08124 Norwegian Krone Convert Kenyan Shillings to Norwegian Krone
KES PLN 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.0298 Polish Zloty Convert Kenyan Shillings to Polish Zloty
KES RON 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.03563 Romanian Leu Convert Kenyan Shillings to Romanian Leu
KES RUB 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.6535 Russian Rouble Convert Kenyan Shillings to Russian Roubles
KES SEK 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.07754 Swedish Krona Convert Kenyan Shillings to Swedish Krona
KES CHF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00682 Swiss Franc Convert Kenyan Shillings to Swiss Francs
KES TRY 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.29355 Turkish Lira Convert Kenyan Shillings to Lira
KES UAH 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.32175 Ukraine Hryvnia Convert Kenyan Shillings to Ukraine Hryvnia
KES ARS 1 Kenyan Shilling = 8.26707 Argentine Peso Convert Kenyan Shillings to Argentine Pesos
KES AWG 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01392 Aruba Florin Convert Kenyan Shillings to Aruba Florin
KES BSD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00772 Bahamian Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Bahamian Dollar
KES BBD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01544 Barbadian Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Barbadian Dollars
KES BZD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.0155 Belize Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Belize Dollar
KES BMD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00772 Bermuda Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Bermuda Dollar
KES BOB 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.05333 Bolivian Boliviano Convert Kenyan Shillings to Bolivian Boliviano
KES BRL 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.04401 Brazilian Real Convert Kenyan Shillings to Brazilian Reals
KES CAD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01103 Canadian Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Canadian Dollars
KES KYD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00643 Cayman Islands Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Cayman Islands Dollar
KES CLP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 7.10255 Chilean Peso Convert Kenyan Shillings to Chilean Pesos
KES COP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 32.07812 Colombian Peso Convert Kenyan Shillings to Colombian Peso
KES CRC 1 Kenyan Shilling = 3.84864 Costa Rica Colon Convert Kenyan Shillings to Costa Rica Colon
KES DOP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.48789 Dominican Peso Convert Kenyan Shillings to Dominican Peso
KES XCD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.02087 East Caribbean Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to East Caribbean Dollars
KES SVC 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.06754 El Salvador Colon Convert Kenyan Shillings to El Salvador Colon
KES FJD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01775 Fiji Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Fiji Dollar
KES GTQ 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.05948 Guatemala Quetzal Convert Kenyan Shillings to Guatemala Quetzal
KES HTG 1 Kenyan Shilling = 1.01154 Haiti Gourde Convert Kenyan Shillings to Haiti Gourde
KES HNL 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.19825 Honduras Lempira Convert Kenyan Shillings to Honduras Lempira
KES JMD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 1.21116 Jamaican Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Jamaican Dollars
KES MXN 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.15484 Mexican Peso Convert Kenyan Shillings to Mexican Pesos
KES ANG 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01391 Neth Antilles Guilder Convert Kenyan Shillings to Neth Antilles Guilder
KES PAB 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00772 Panamanian Balboa Convert Kenyan Shillings to Panamanian Balboa
KES PYG 1 Kenyan Shilling = 61.65416 Paraguayan Guarani Convert Kenyan Shillings to Paraguayan Guarani
KES PEN 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.02817 Peruvian Nuevo Sol Convert Kenyan Shillings to Peruvian Nuevo Sol
KES SZL 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.14049 Swaziland Lilageni Convert Kenyan Shillings to Swaziland Lilageni
KES TTD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.0525 Trinidad Tobago Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Trinidad Tobago Dollar
KES UYU 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.32512 Uruguayan New Peso Convert Kenyan Shillings to Uruguayan New Peso
KES USD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00772 Us Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Dollars
KES BHD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00291 Bahraini Dinar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Bahraini Dinars
KES EGP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.39054 Egyptian Pound Convert Kenyan Shillings to Egyptian Pounds
KES HKD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.06005 Hong Kong Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Hong Kong Dollars
KES IRR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 325.1930 Iran Rial Convert Kenyan Shillings to Iran Rial
KES IQD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 10.11346 Iraqi Dinar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Iraqi Dinar
KES ILS 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.02831 Israeli Sheqel Convert Kenyan Shillings to Israeli Sheqel
KES JOD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00547 Jordanian Dinar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Jordanian Dinars
KES KWD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00238 Kuwaiti Dinar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Kuwaiti Dinar
KES LBP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 691.5705 Lebanese Pound Convert Kenyan Shillings to Lebanese Pounds
KES MNT 1 Kenyan Shilling = 26.23938 Mongolian Tugrik Convert Kenyan Shillings to Mongolian Tugrik
KES OMR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.00297 Omani Rial Convert Kenyan Shillings to Omani Rial
KES QAR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.02812 Qatari Riyal Convert Kenyan Shillings to Qatari Riyal
KES SAR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.02897 Saudi Riyal Convert Kenyan Shillings to Saudi Riyal
KES AED 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.02836 United Arab Emirates Dirham Convert Kenyan Shillings to Dirhams
KES YER 1 Kenyan Shilling = 1.9 Yemen Riyal Convert Kenyan Shillings to Yemen Riyal
KES AUD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01227 Australian Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Australian Dollars
KES BDT 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.93791 Bangladesh Taka Convert Kenyan Shillings to Bangladesh Taka
KES BTN 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.66163 Bhutan Ngultrum Convert Kenyan Shillings to Bhutan Ngultrum
KES BND 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01032 Brunei Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Brunei Dollar
KES CNY 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.05604 Chinese Yuan Convert Kenyan Shillings to Yuan
KES INR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.66097 Indian Rupee Convert Kenyan Shillings to Rupees
KES IDR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 128.4007 Indonesian Rupiah Convert Kenyan Shillings to Indonesian Rupiah
KES JPY 1 Kenyan Shilling = 1.15984 Japanese Yen Convert Kenyan Shillings to Yen
KES MOP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.06182 Macau Pataca Convert Kenyan Shillings to Macau Pataca
KES MYR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.03419 Malaysian Ringgit Convert Kenyan Shillings to Malaysian Ringgit
KES MVR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.11892 Maldives Rufiyaa Convert Kenyan Shillings to Maldives Rufiyaa
KES NPR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 1.0586 Nepalese Rupee Convert Kenyan Shillings to Nepalese Rupees
KES NZD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01349 New Zealand Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to New Zealand Dollars
KES XPF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.85433 Pacific Franc Convert Kenyan Shillings to Pacific Franc
KES PKR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 2.16411 Pakistani Rupee Convert Kenyan Shillings to Pakistani Rupees
KES PGK 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.03147 Papua New Guinea Kina Convert Kenyan Shillings to Papua New Guinea Kina
KES PHP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.44486 Philippine Peso Convert Kenyan Shillings to Philippine Pesos
KES SCR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.11038 Seychelles Rupee Convert Kenyan Shillings to Seychelles Rupee
KES SGD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01033 Singapore Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Singapore Dollars
KES SBD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.06503 Solomon Islands Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Solomon Islands Dollar
KES KRW 1 Kenyan Shilling = 11.31353 South Korean Won Convert Kenyan Shillings to South Korean Won
KES LKR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 2.28857 Sri Lankan Rupee Convert Kenyan Shillings to Sri Lankan Rupees
KES TWD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.25545 Taiwan Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Taiwan Dollar
KES THB 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.26137 Thai Baht Convert Kenyan Shillings to Baht
KES VUV 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.91677 Vanuatu Vatu Convert Kenyan Shillings to Vanuatu Vatu
KES DZD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 1.03285 Algerian Dinar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Algerian Dinar
KES BIF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 22.7618 Burundi Franc Convert Kenyan Shillings to Burundi Franc
KES XAF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 4.69618 Central African Cfa Franc Convert Kenyan Shillings to Central African Cfa Francs
KES KMF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 3.51853 Comoros Franc Convert Kenyan Shillings to Comoros Franc
KES ETB 1 Kenyan Shilling = 1.00681 Ethiopian Birr Convert Kenyan Shillings to Ethiopian Birr
KES GMD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.55985 Gambian Dalasi Convert Kenyan Shillings to Gambian Dalasi
KES GNF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 66.78534 Guinea Franc Convert Kenyan Shillings to Guinea Franc
KES LSL 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.14047 Lesotho Loti Convert Kenyan Shillings to Lesotho Loti
KES MWK 1 Kenyan Shilling = 13.38948 Malawi Kwacha Convert Kenyan Shillings to Malawi Kwacha
KES MUR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.35297 Mauritius Rupee Convert Kenyan Shillings to Mauritius Rupee
KES MAD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.07391 Moroccan Dirham Convert Kenyan Shillings to Moroccan Dirhams
KES NAD 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.14047 Namibian Dollar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Namibian Dollars
KES NIO 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.28394 Nicaragua Cordoba Convert Kenyan Shillings to Nicaragua Cordoba
KES NGN 1 Kenyan Shilling = 11.79537 Nigerian Naira Convert Kenyan Shillings to Nigerian Naira
KES RWF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 11.03665 Rwanda Franc Convert Kenyan Shillings to Rwanda Franc
KES WST 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.02162 Samoa Tala Convert Kenyan Shillings to Samoa Tala
KES SLL 1 Kenyan Shilling = 161.9266 Sierra Leone Leone Convert Kenyan Shillings to Sierra Leone Leone
KES ZAR 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.14115 South African Rand Convert Kenyan Shillings to South African Rands
KES TZS 1 Kenyan Shilling = 20.42471 Tanzanian Shilling Convert Kenyan Shillings to Tanzanian Shilling
KES TOP 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.01859 Tonga Paanga Convert Kenyan Shillings to Tonga Paanga
KES TND 1 Kenyan Shilling = 0.02391 Tunisian Dinar Convert Kenyan Shillings to Tunisian Dinar
KES UGX 1 Kenyan Shilling = 28.30444 Ugandan Shilling Convert Kenyan Shillings to Ugandan Shilling
KES XOF 1 Kenyan Shilling = 4.69618 West African Cfa Franc Convert Kenyan Shillings to West African Cfa Francs

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